Predictors of duration of hospitalization among preterm infants admitted at kangaroo mother care unit in a tertiary hospital: A retrospective study
Mots-clés :
Predictors of duration of hospitalization among preterm infants admitted at kangaroo mother care unitRésumé
Abstract Objective: We studied the association of factors related to duration of hospital stay among preterm infants admitted for Kangaroo Mother Care.
Methodology: This retrospective study reviewed existing charts of preterm infants who received kangaroo mother care from January 2016 to June 2019 at the Muhimbili National Hospital, a tertiary hospital in Tanzania. Descriptive statistics were summarized using mean (standard deviation) for continuous variables and frequency for categorical variables. Difference in mean was tested using student t-test, and chi square test was used for difference in proportions. Linear regression was used to determine the predictors of length of hospital stay; level of statistical significance was determined at P<0.05.
Results: A total of 341 charts were analyzed. The mean duration of hospital stays and mean weight gain among preterm infants at kangaroo mother care were 29.1±13.57 days and 16.5±9.067 grams/kg/day respectively. And for preterm infants with birth weight <1000grams had mean duration of hospital stay of 46±10days (p-value<0.01). The length of stay decreased by 2.4 days for every 100grams increase of weight at birth and by approximately three days for every weight gain of 10grams/kg /day.
Conclusion: The gestational age, birth weight and rate of weight gain are determinants of hospital stay and should be considered in the management of these infants in a hospital setting.
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