Making a case for investing in small and sick newborn care: the case of Zambia


  • Rodgers Gift , Benkele Ministry of Health
  • Miyanda Maila Ministry of Health
  • Olatubosun Akinola Ministry of Health
  • Vichael , Silavwe Ministry of Health
  • Dorothy Sikazwe Ministry of Health

Mots-clés :

This essay won a prize at the Newborn Toolkit/ ANA 2023 Essay Competition


We are driven to raise awareness about a vital but frequently disregarded component of healthcare; the small and sick newborn care (SSNC) as a supporter of global health equity. The first month of a child's existence is
crucial, and providing complete care for babies who are small and sick is essential for their survival and long-term well-being. This essay will discuss the importance of funding SSNC initiatives, with a focus on creating a
comprehensive framework that is appropriate for Zambia's particular situation. This essay argues in favor of Zambia's establishment of an all-encompassing SSNC program. We can create a solid framework that addresses the difficulties faced by small and sick newborns by concentrating on key elements such as Family-Centered Care, Leadership and Governance, Human Resources, Information Systems, Infrastructure, Finance, Medical Supplies and Devices, and Infection Prevention. The essay will also outline possible challenges and obstacles and the mitigation factors. Finally, a conclusion will be made.

Biographies de l'auteur

  • Rodgers Gift , Benkele, Ministry of Health

    Ministry of Health - Zambia

  • Miyanda Maila, Ministry of Health

    Ministry of Health - Zambia

  • Olatubosun Akinola, Ministry of Health

    Ministry of Health - Zambia

  • Vichael , Silavwe, Ministry of Health

    Ministry of Health - Zambia

  • Dorothy Sikazwe, Ministry of Health

    Ministry of Health - Zambia


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Comment citer

Making a case for investing in small and sick newborn care: the case of Zambia. (2024). JOURNAL OF AFRICAN NEONATOLOGY, 2(1), 26-30.

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